Tuesday, 21 February 2017

Research and Planning

Research and Planning

Research Year 12

Titles Task – We looked at a certain film of our choice, I looked at Grease, we had to break them down in their opening titles, and we used it as research to see what font, how big and how long each of their titles were for, this helped us progress with titles.

Sounds – We looked at the different sounds which are used in film openings, for example sound effects and also songs which could be used for different reasons, for example to add tension or to create noise to fit with the scene occurring.

Audience – We did research online, into what are the most popular genres of films which are watched so we were able to see what was the most popular and therefore what would fit well with the audience we wanted to look at. We also looked at what audience most went to the cinema, so we could see who we should look at for the audience, because this would most probably get us the most money.

Props – We looked at genres which were similar to ours, to see what props were typically used in this kind of genre. We saw in a film like ours people were usually distracted in the beginning of the video, therefore in our own video I was distracted by looking at my phone.

Narrative – We looked at other film openings which were similar to our genre which was a drama/sci fi film. We were able to see the type of narrative which they came up with for the same genre and use ideas from their films to inspire ourselves.

Planning Year 12

Film Pitch – At the beginning we made a plan of different ideas which we had all been thinking of and what we would enjoy to do. This was a chance to everyone in the group to get their ideas across, we also then presented our film pitch to the rest of the class to understand their ideas on what we should do.

Storyboard – We created a storyboard on the film which we decided to do, this showed the shots which we were going to do in our music video and we also tried to include the timings which we wanted them to appear.

Risk Assessment – We had to do this for every time we went out filming, this would prevent any risks which would occur when going out to film. This really helped us understand what and what not to do.

Shooting Schedule – We created a shooting schedule, also every time we went out to film, this would help us to try and stay on track to complete what needed to be done and helped us with our timing.

Research Year 13

Features of a music video – We went through the different features of a music video and what makes it up. We also looked at the different theorists and what their theories were to create a successful music video.

Songs – We put together some songs which we liked and would appeal to the audience which we wanted to appeal to. We did a lip syncing task here to see who would be the best at singing this song out of our group.

Similar Artists – We looked into similar artists to what we wanted our artist to come across as, we were able to take ideas and costumes and use them in our own music video. We found out the appropriate things to wear and behave for the genre we did, which was teen pop.

Costume and Makeup – We looked into costumes and makeup that other artists have used, when looking down the similar artists path.

Videos of the same genre – We broke down our song, into just thirty seconds and looked at some similar videos from different songs with a similar theme to what we wanted. We used a video with the correct theme we wanted and put it to the music which we chose to use to see how the theme would fit in with the music.

Settings – We did some research into what sort of settings we could use and would be appropriate to use, I wanted to use ones which looked fun and interesting such as London.

Digipak and Website – We looked at other artists to find out different methods to make and things to put into our digipak and website. I think in the end it all looked really effective, we definitely learnt more editing things than from the AS project.

Planning Year 13

Song Pitch – We all planned a pitch each, with a song idea as well as having ideas to what we would put in the music video. We pitched this to the class so we could hear their ideas.

Storyboard – We made a storyboard for the shots which we wanted in our music video, we found that this really helped when filming our music video.

Risk assessment – We needed to do this to find out the risks which could be associated with what we were doing during the filming before we actually went out to film.

Shooting schedule – We made a very detailed plan on what we were doing to film, as well as timing, settings, lighting and the structure of the shots. This made it easier for us to know what to shoot when we went out to do the shots for the music video.

Stealomatic – We put loads of clips from different (premade) music videos and put them together, by using Premiere to put all our ideas together and make it easy to get inspiration from them. We used this a lot for our final music video.

Halfway evaluation – We did this to see how our music video and other products, such as didipak and website was going along, and what other people thought of what we had done. We did this to make sure that we were on track.

1 comment:

  1. Most of it is all here make sure you support it all with very specific examples from your productions and your inspirations. You are missing all the practical tasks which helped inform your planning like the juno, dancing bears, lip sync task and both your prelims
