Tuesday, 21 February 2017


Analyse the concept of…

Telling a story, plot and character, give a brief summary of your film opening.
Levi Strauss – binary opposites > Hot, cold. Day, night. (And what this does to effect the film opening)

Todorov – equilibrium – disruption – new equilibrium

Propp – typical characters – hero, villain, damsel in distress, sidekick, dispatcher.

Barthers – codes, active, symbolic, enigma – anything which has meaning in film opening.

Linier or non-linear in the narrative, Linear – the story flows from beginning to end. Non-linear – it is chopped up, there could be flash backs or two parallel stories occurring.

Talk about all the theories and where you used them, if you did at all. And whether you conform or subvert – fit in it or not.

Only talk about one piece of work, I will talk about the film opening.

You can mention real media which you took ideas from, for example in our film opening we looked at Ghost and The Day I Died.

 My essay plan
Levi Strauss

Male hero
Damsel in distress
Helping girl
Hurt and needs help
The dead body of girl
The girl whom is alive, but see’s dead body
When walking out of train station
When seeing dead body


Enigma coding – the questions in the film opening.

For example:

-       The cliff hanger at the end (Through the voice over)

-       Why did she die?

-       Why is she still alive/a ghost?

-       What did she do?

Hero – Harrison protecting Molly, as well as the heroin Ella. This therefore shows that they are both important and shows feminism, because they are both the hero’s.

Damsel in distress – Molly when she sees the dead body, however this makes her seem strong because she stands up and does voice over with a bold, strong voice. She could also be seen as a villain because she mentions ‘is this karma slowly getting back at me for the incident’ as though she did something majorly wrong.

1 comment:

  1. Don't forget to mention what happens in your opening with regards to order of sequence and pace as this is relevant to the narrative. Also the ghost viewing herself. Good work.
